I can't believe my little Lee Lees is almost 7 weeks. 2 more days. She's starting to stay awake more now. She likes her brother and sister, especially her brother. And they definitely like her.She still gets colic regularly but when she isn't sick she's a little cuddle bug.
Konner is very helpful. When she cries he will sit with her and hold a pacifier in her mouth. It's the sweetest thing!
Kay wants to play with her and anything that belongs to her.
I have to admit that I have been exhausted and stressed to my max. But I sure do love these little people!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Almost 7 weeks!
Posted by Kathy at 2:13 PM 1 comments
Konner: Why do we need sroats (throats), mom?
Me: We need them so we can swallow and breathe.
Konner: Why do we need brains, mom?
Me: Your brain tells your mouth what to say, and your legs to move so you can walk, and your hands and fingers to move so you can pick stuff up.
Konner; My brains hurt, mom.
Me: Why?
Konner: Cuz they has too much to do.
Posted by Kathy at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Some things are just too hard to resist!
Kaylin just cannot resist certain things, such as my lotion, or my body sprays, or my make up, or my linen spray. The problem is, is she covers herself in these things from head to toe, including her hair. Every day she climbs to get to any of these things. She just can't resist I guess. My little tomboy is turning into a girl. Yay!!
Posted by Kathy at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Tough day for the 2 year old
We got home from church and I made the kids some lunch. Only Konner came to the kitchen for lunch. I asked him to go get his sister and he told me she was sleeping. I told him that she wasn't asleep and that she was in the playroom and to please go get her for me. To which he replied "My already told you, mom. Kaywin is sleeping!" So I went in search of Kaylin and this is what I found. Apparently she had a tough day.
Posted by Kathy at 6:36 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Kylie went to the hospital
Last Wednesday I noticed that Kylie had a cough. By Thursday morning I noticed that she was stuffy as well. I have never had a baby sick so little, so I called the DR's office and asked if I should just let her ride it out. They told me to bring her in. The DR sent me home with nose spray and suctioning directions and told me to call her the next day with an update. Friday night was the beginning of no sleep! By Saturday morning Kylie was wheezing a bit and coughing pretty badly and choking and gagging on her coughs. I called the DR and gave her the update. She told me to take her to the ER. I did. The ER DR had blood work done and an Xray of her chest. He sent Kylie home saying she was fine and her lungs were clear. By Monday morning Kylie and mom had little to no sleep since Friday, and Kylie was definitely wheezing for sure now. I took her back to the DR. The DR listened to her breathing and watched her chest and said Kylie was wheezing and that her lungs were retracting. She got the Radiologist's report and said it looked like pneumonia. She sent Kylie to the hospital.
The DR ordered more blood work and another Xray. After getting the results of the Xray back, it was definitely pneumonia. How did my almost 3 week old get pneumonia??? We were there not even 2 hours when diarrhea started. We were there a day when the projectile barf launches started. I had to drive home twice for changes of clothes, she got every single thing I had on! And then the colic started on Friday...... Sigh. After lots of breathing treatments, antibiotics, lots of serious suctioning, and 5 days in the hospital my baby is better and home now.
These two wonderful ladies are 2 of my favorite nurses - Paige and Angelita. I am missing Margot and Cheryl. Neither was around for picture day, much to Paige's and Angelita's dismay I am sure!
Paige was awesome. She calmed my little doll when I couldn't. She kept me company and chatted with me when I was lonely. She reassured me when I felt frustrated and helpless. I really wanted to take her home with me!
Angelita was great. She was so wonderful at explaining everything to me and listening to my concerns. She was very helpful with everything the baby needed and I needed.
Margot was just so dang sweet! When I had to run home for MORE vomit free clothes, Margot was behind the desk doing her work holding my baby. And content my baby was with Margot.
Cheryl....every mother who has a child in the hospital needs a night nurse like Cheryl. I had this sick baby that I could not comfort. She just cried and cried, she was so miserable. Her tummy hurt, her bottom hurt from the awful rash from the diarrhea, and she had an awful cough and was still congested. By Friday evening I was ready to cry. My nerves were shot, my head hurt, and I was tired. And still my baby cried and couldn't be comforted by me. And Paige was gone for the day!!! Enter Cheryl. She took over, while I helped her. She was sweet and gentle with Kylie. And through the night she came in and fed and burped and changed Kylie while letting me sleep.
Kylie had a few other nurses, but I have never experienced nures as fabulous as these 4. Thank you ladies. You rock!!
Posted by Kathy at 8:30 PM 3 comments