Monday, September 10, 2012

Our journey this summer

Life sure has been a journey.  And this summer was NO exception!  We moved, AGAIN, in June and scattered for a bit for the next 2 months.

Throughout the year Kaylin had been sick constantly, tonsilitis, ear infections, sinus infections, and so on.  So we decided to have her tonsils out. First picture, Kay in recovery after her surgery. The day before her surgery I took Konner and Kylie to my mom's for what was supposed to be a week.

The day before I was supposed to leave to go to my mom's and get Konner and Kylie, my dear uncle passed away. He was 97. And he left my 90 year old aunt widowed.  I can't begin to tell you how much these two people have meant to me.  They have been my rock for the past 18 years.  So naturally, I went out to my aunt's for a couple of weeks to take care of her.  Through all of this, I was trying to deal with the fact that my baby sister was in jail, and we'd lost her kids to foster care. I had to rely on strength that I just haven't had to pull from in so many years. I had a little girl recuperating from surgery, and an elderly aunt who I had to hold together.  I was hanging on by a thread!  And through it all, my oldest and youngest were still at grandma's (second picture).  They spent a month in Central California without me.  And my husband was an hour away from me staying with his friend. I hadn't felt so helpless, so lonely, and so depressed since well.... my daddy issues.

In the middle of July, I left my aunt and headed to Cen Cal to reunite with my kids. While there I was able to finally see my sister, through a monitor while talking to her on the phone. I still to this day have not been allowed to see or speak to my nieces and nephews. My other sister and I met with the lawyer and worked on a plan for trial.

Two days after our meeting with the lawyer, my kids and I headed up to Oregon where we stayed for a month (third picture).  My kids had a great time.  They met cousins they didn't know and made new friends.  My husband was still in So Cal.  Konner turned 7 while there, and Mike and I reached our 8th anniversary apart for the first time.

At the end of August, the kids and I traveled up to Washington to spend time with grandma Rigby and aunt Susie, uncle Jay, James, and Maggie. My kids were so happy there. They had a blast. Grandma gave us the tour of daddy's life growing up in Washington and took us to do fun things. Picture 4 is The Great Wolf Lodge where grandma took us for a very fun time!! My kids also had the opportunity to meet my Kindergarten and 1st grade teacher (picture 5) while there. After a week there, we began our journey back home.  And boy was it a loooooooong journey home!

We got home (to a new home) 12 days ago. Mike moved us into our new home while we were gone. We got home in time to be 2 days late for school, but better late than never! (Pictures 6 and 7 are our first day of school!). We came home to a full plate of our typical life.  Back in soccer, back in school, back to homework, and through it all I have to get our place unpacked!

Mike has completed his Masters (Yay, finally!!). That should alleviate some of our stress.  It's wonderful to be back in our own home with just each other.  My kids are happier! I've realized that my life has been so full and so busy with my children, that I no longer have anyone of my own. Somewhere in being a mom, I lost being a friend and having friends.  And while that saddens me, I've discovered that my life is so full of my kids that it's ok.  I'm incredibly blessed.  I'm married to the love of my life (and for those of you who know our story know that is quite literally true - he is indeed the love of my life), I have 3 incredibly wonderful, smart, beautiful kids, and we have a home and so much more!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A little behind maybe?

I should possibly, maybe update me blog.....