Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day

Such a wonderful day. My sweet husband and children made it so special! They let me sleep in while they made me ecards online and decorated my spa gift cards that my hubby gave me. I get to go to Glen Ivy and enjoy a relaxing, stress free day. Heaven!

We went to church, and I got to experience my children singing to me with the rest of primary for the first time! Konner stood and sang with a serious look on his face. Kaylin searched out daddy and then mommy and waved to each of us. And when they were done singing and all the children filed back down to their parents, my little Kaylin stayed right there and asked in a very loud stage whisper "Is it my turn now, mommy???" She wanted to say prayer at the pulpit in front of all of sacrament.

Then off to home, where I made dinner and cleaned the kitchen. Kylie was soooooooooooo very helpful!!

Then Konner gave me his present that he made me at school. It's a picture of himself in a frame that he made himself! Love it!

Then Konner and Kaylin gave me the pot holders that they made in Primary. So cute!

I love this being a mom thing!!! It is so rewarding to receive these precious little gifts from my children. I will cherish them always.


Susie and Jay Larson said...

Spa day?! Excellent. What a nice day Kathy.

Elise said...