I love this game. I first learned how to play it 2 years ago on a cruise with the Rigby family. The Rigby (Seamans) cousins taught it to us. They play it a little differently, using poker chips and Rook cards. But I loved the game so much that I bought it and got Dee, Katherine, my sister Becky, and even Chester now into it. We play it a lot!
Monday, February 25, 2008
The greatest game!
Posted by Kathy at 2:08 PM 0 comments
I am so thankful for....
I am so thankful for my husband. I am thankful for the time and support he gives me with the kids. Saturday night I got to go to the movies and watch Definitely, Maybe. I went by myself!! It's nice to go see a movie alone every once in a while. It was a great movie. A must buy for me. I also got to go to my aunt's last night alone and upload photos onto my sites and play games. Thank you Mike for always being willing to watch the kids so I can have some sane time.
I am thankful for my kids who amuse me, shock me and love me! They are great kids. Kaylin bobs her head to the music and watches out the window as we drive. I love that!! Konner sings "mommy mommy mom-my!" to some tune that I don't know while we drive. They are so much fun!
I am thankful for my friend Stephanie, who has two little ones also (with a third on the way!). She knows what it is like to have two little kids very close in age, and she understands the chaos that is my life and emotions!!! It's so nice to have someone to cry to and relate to!!! Thanks Steph!!
I am also thankful for snowy mountains. I love to look at the snow on our mountains. It's so pretty. And I love to watch my husband and son laugh and play in the snow.....while I hold my daughter so the snow doesn't touch her!!!
Posted by Kathy at 10:51 AM 1 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Konner in his warpaint!
Ha ha ha ha!! I love this picture! I left my purse down, I know better, but I did it anyway! So Konner got into my purse and pulled out my make up and put some on!!
Posted by Kathy at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Parks. Wonderful parks.
There is a park near us that is just awesome. It is the neatest park. They have a huge playground that the kids love. And it is next to the Prado Dam so there is a body of water that surrounds the park that is full of birds. These are some pictures of the kids watching the birds.
Posted by Kathy at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Valentine's Day
I had such a great Valentine's day!! Konner made me a Valentine's. He was watching Disney, and being Valentine's Day, the shows were about Valentine's. So Konner told Julie that he wanted a Valentine's too. Julie asked him if he wanted to make his mommy a Valentine's also and he said yes. He helped her bake this little cake for me. He poured ingrediants in and helped her stir.Then he made me this picture and candle flower. It is so sweet! I love having kids!!!
When I got to Julie's to pick them up, he gave me my Valentine's. He was so thrilled.
Mike and I had a quiet low scale evening at home. We just put the kids to bed and I made him dinner. He gave me roses and candy, and I gave him candy and a framed photo of our family for his desk at work.
Posted by Kathy at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Fun in the snow...
We went to Big Bear for the day and played in the snow. It was so much fun! We rode tubes down the hill. Konner had a blast riding the tubes with us. Kaylin did not have a good time. My poor little girl did not enjoy the snow at all!! Kaylin was happy as long as I held her. But as soon as I put her down in the snow, she had a melt down!
Konner had such a great time that he keeps asking to go back!
Posted by Kathy at 8:29 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
A little scam artist in the disguise of my 2 1/2 year old little boy...
So I have a funny Konner story that I have to share.....
Konner goes pee in his potty pretty good. He hasn't had accidents (maybe a couple) so far. We used candy (the love of his life) to bribe him with peeing. But candy wasn't working for poop. He flat out would not poop in the potty. Candy didn't work this time. So I got this idea that I would use presents as a bribe. Konner asks daily for presents, he wants to know if Santa has brought him more presents. We started this present bribe yesterday. Julie kept his bag of presents on the bathroom sink so that whenever he went in to go potty he would see the presents. And when he would ask for presents Julie told him he had to go poo poo in the potty first. He finally told her that he would not go poo poo at her house, that he would wait and go at home. So true to his word, he held it all day long. When we got home lastnight he asked for presents again. I told him he had to go poo poo in the potty in order to get a present. So he immediately told me that he had to go poo poo. So we went into the bathroom and he pulled his pants and underwear down and started pushing and pushing. His face turned red while he pushed. After a minute he jumps up and says really excitedly "I did it!!". I looked and there was this little poop ball in his toilet. Small as it was, he did go some in his potty and so I must give him a present. His presents are little Hotwheel cars and the little 88 cents toys from Wal-mart all individually wrapped. So anyway, are you thinking he may be constipated since there was only one little ball in his potty after all that pushing? Well don't! I gave him one of his presents. He opened it up and saw a new car and expressed his excitement. And then he told me he had to go poo poo again. So off we went back to the potty. He sat down and proceeded to push and push again. He jumps up again and excitedly says he did it and then asks for his present. I gave him another present. He opened it, was excited to see it was another car, and then jumps up to tell me that he has to go poo poo again. Now at this point I am starting to get a little suspicious. It's not like he has diarrhea!!! But we go back to the potty and he sits back down and pushes and pushes and jumps up again to tell me he did it again and wants to have another present. Is anyone else starting to think this kid is scamming me? Or is it just me? I gave him another present. He opened it again, expressed his excitment over yet another car (he can't have too many of those) and jumps right back up, runs for the bathroom while holloring "I have to go poo poo again!!" At this point I have realized I am being scammed. So I told him that I am done with this little bit at a time thing and he needs to get it all out now. This time Mike took him to the potty, and Konner did his same routine for his dad. After his dad finished praising him he told his dad he wanted a present. Mike came out and told me that Konner only went a little bit. Yah, I know. So Konner asks again for his present and Mike gives him another present. I told Mike that I am done with this game tonight. Konner came running back into the kitchen area after opening his 4th present and told me he had to go poo poo again. Come on!!!! 5 times??? So I told him no. I told him that he could go poo poo tomorrow and get a present for it tomorrow. He said "I have to go poo poo mommy!!! Please!!!" How long can this go on? Seriously? So I told him that tomorrow he can go poo poo at Julie's and get another present. He went off to play. Half an hour later he walked over to Mike and said "I go poo poo right here dad" as he pointed to his underwear. The kid really had more in him!! And since I wasn't playing the game anymore and refused to put send him back to the potty (my bad!) he let all the rest out in his underwear! Poor Mike had to clean that!! LOL!
Posted by Kathy at 11:50 AM 1 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
A trip to the La Brea Tar Pits
Playing outside of the museum.
Konner was taking a break from chasing the pigeons.
Kaylin was mad because I wouldn't let her crawl under one of the rails.
Konner loved seeing the "e-is-phants" (elephants).
It was so neat to go to this museum. I haven't been there since I was a kid. The kids loved it. There will be many more pictures of the kids' sites from the museum.
Posted by Kathy at 6:53 PM 1 comments
I love snowy mountains
Living in Southern Calfornia means snow is so beautiful and covetted. But since I freeze in Southern California, I could not actually live in the snow. Too cold for me. But I love snow on our moutains. It's just so beautiful. The kids and I were driving to my aunt's house and I had to stop and take a few pictures of the mountains.
We plan to take the kids to the snow on Saturday. We'll see what they think of it!
Posted by Kathy at 6:24 PM 0 comments