Saturday, January 24, 2009

Much appreciation

Whatever would I have done without my mother-in-law this past two weeks? She was an absolute life saver. She flew in the day I had Kylie and stayed with me in the hospital until I was released. She got up with Kylie throughout the night to feed her and change her. She got peed on, spit up on, and cried on. She heard "Grandma, play cars with me!" and "Grandma, help me!!!!" over and over. She diffused temper tantrums and tears (some of them mine....). She cleaned, carried heavy tubs, and organized. I can't possibly say thank you enough. I miss you already, Marilyn. Come back!!!!

To my very hard working husband.... Konner, Kaylin, Kylie and I all love you very much. And I appreciate all you do to make a life for our family. Good job on the house finding. The view is the best part! And thank you thank you thank you for the new toilets! Woo-hoo!!

Dave, Raquelle and Julie and Gabe, man do we appreciate your guys' help in our move. Even when it meant you were out until 3:30 am and forced to spend the night out our house!