Monday, April 13, 2009

The Z oh oh

My kids love the zoo. So much. Konner asks frequently to go to the zoo. So we took my mom to the zoo with us today; she had been down for Easter. I didn't want to listen to Konner ask over and over about the zoo so when making plans with my mom, I spelled the word zoo. I think we (mothers in general) underestimate our children....

My mom, Konner, and I made a quick trip to the store for some last minute Easter stuff Saturday night. My mom and I were having a conversation on the drive and Konner was listening......
Me to my mom: So you can follow us to the Z oh oh and then leave directly from there to go home if you want.
My mom: I think I'll do that.
Konner (who was in the back of the van): My want to go to the Z oh oh, mom.
Me: Do you even know what the Z oh oh is, Konner?
Konner: Yah.
Me: Really? What is it?
Konner: The zoo. Can you take me to the zoo tomorrow, mom? Can you do that?

Then this morning Konner says to his dad.... "I'm going to the Z oh oh today, dad!"

Huh. Guess spelling that word is pointless!!!


The Monson Crew said...

That is hilarious!!!! What a smart little guy! Our kids pick up on more than we think. I'm to the point that I can't spell anything out anymore.