Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thoughts on potty training....

Konner is 2 1/2 this month. I would love it if he would potty train. I can't remember what it is like to not buy diapers! And I would love to buy less diapers. But Konner doesn't share my feelings....

Me: Konner, go potty on the potty.
Konner: No mommy.
Me: Go potty on the potty like a big boy.
Konner: I not a big boy mommy.
Me: Yes you are buddy, now go potty like a big boy does.
Konner: I NOT A BIG BOY MOMMY!!!!! Where my diaper?

Any words of wisdom? Any advice?


Kasey said...

Ugh, that's my least favorite part of parenting. Emma seemed to be interested after she saw a friend her age use the bathroom. And Evan, well he was almost three. I battled with him for a month or so about it and then left it alone. And that's when he started showing interest. Good luck!

Michelle said...

Boys take longer. :) I have a friend who's son was 4!!!! ouch!!! When Konner is ready, you'll know :)
Try the "tinkle time targets". Ha ha. I was going to use them with Bryton (but he potty trained himself at Sea World right before he turned 2).
Make a "target"...draw something on some wax paper, stick it in the toilet and tell him to "shoot" it...
good luck!

Stephanie said...

Well, Konner is not alone... hey at least he doesn't stand on your box of paper, after sitting on the potty for a while, and pee on that box of paper... then make sure you know that's what he did. McKayla does that. She's a stubborn little girl... with attitude! Gotta love her!!